Written by Phillip
Ah! This game.
Does anyone still play this game?
Well, I do. I guess some people do, sometimes. Otherwise creations wouldn't still be popping up in the Sporepedia all the time.
I guess I can't just keep rambling on without an explanation for those who don't know what this is. I'll give you two options: one, just go here for the official site if you don't want my <sarcasm> totally professional perfect explanation </sarcasm>, or just read.
So. This game is an evolution-style simulator game, where you create life with creature building tools and can create anything from
...whatever the heck that is
Maxis, you good.
Anyway, in the game you progress through five stages of life, which are:
The Cell Stage
Basically, you're a little microorganism swimming around in the ocean fighting to survive. Before the game starts, you choose to be a carnivore or an herbivore (and later you can become and omnivore, by adding the mouth opposite of what you chose or the omnivore mouth later), which effects the way you play the whole rest of the game.
The Creature Stage
Here's where things really start happening. You've reached land and grown some legs, and now it's time whether to kill everything in your path, make friends with everything in your path, or do a little bit of both at everything in your path. You'll encounter hundreds of other creatures, whether you or other players made them or they came with the game.
The Tribal Stage
The principals are the same as in Creature Stage, but now you have a whole tribe to command. Gather food, kill enemies, make friends with enemies, so long as you survive and ally or conquer everyone else.
The Civilization Stage
Well, the images just keep getting bigger and bigger, don't they?
Now you've got an entire city to take care of. You can build houses, entertainment halls, some strange place where you actually get work done, airplanes, boats, cars, you name it! Well, except for one thing... but that comes later.
The Space Stage
Ooh, there goes the size.
Yep. You're in space now.
Remember how I was talking about later a bit ago? Now is later.
You can build spaceships.
Conquer the galaxy. Get to the center. Fend off the Grox. Don't destroy them because then they'll never be present in any more of your games because of a glitch. Find some odd blue-green planet for sale.
I love this game.
Who knows, maybe when I buy it again soon, I'll do a psuedo-let's play thing here...