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Monday, September 1, 2014

The Return of the Megadork (I hope)

Have ya missed me?
Yup, it's been a while. School screws three posts a week. I haven't even had one post in more than a week.
Yeah, I started school.
...homework sucks.
Every single dang night I've stayed up 'till or past my bedtime. And then I have to get up at 6, and I have my alarm clock set for 5:30.
Is not nice it is.
My brother and I were going to write a co-op post for all the peoples, but I think we some practice on that.
...a tiny bit.
Anyway, this is mostly a post for the purpose of "Hey! I didn't actually die from that cold," and now that I think about taking a break right after that post about being sick is really creepy and horrifying.
I didn't really take a break, it's just that I didn't have any time to do anything.
I don't think I'm going to make myself write three posts every weekend, so it's probably going to revert back to one and MAYBE two every week, either on Monday or Wednesday. Probably Monday, and any extra will be Wednesday.
school's nice, I guess.
I'm in high school now, and I'm going to Santa Rosa High School. It's pretty cool. and stuff
I ate a burrito today for lunch
probably both on the day I write this and on the day this is posted
...I guess that's it for now.
I think I'll be doing another post Wednesday, though. About what? No idea? Tune in next time to find out!

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